Weather in Kedarnath | Temperature in Kedarnath | Kedarnath Weather


Kedarnath has a highly cool climate for the majority time of the year. The best time to travel is between May and June and from September to October. It is a great time to visit during September and October. Is enjoyable and memorable.

In winter, the road to here is shut for six months. In winter, it is a time when the weather is freezing. Due to the massive snowfall that occurs during the winter, the temperature here is reduced quite a bit.

Due to the heavy rainfall during the rain season, It is challenging to travel from this area due to the flooding that can cause landslides. The temperature here ranges the -2degC and 5degC range during winter and, in the summer months, is between 10 degC to 15 degC.



Kedarnath Dham Monthwise Weather Details

Kedarnath Dham in May Month:-

Max Temp.:- 14C and Min. Temp.:- 5C.

It is moderately cold during May. It is also a little warm and perfect for all tourist things to do in Kedarnath. Kedarnath Temple generally opens in May. During this month, the roads are cleared so that tourist and pilgrimage activities are possible. There is snow at higher elevations.

Kedarnath Dham in June Month:-

Max Temp.:- 18C and Min. Temp.:- 9C.

June is the perfect time for adventures and outdoor activities, such as hiking close to Kedarnath Dham. The weather begins to become warmer, and the skies are partly clouded.

Kedarnath Dham in July Month

Max Temp.:- 17C and Min. Temp.:- 10C.

The weather is pleasant in July, with only a few showers.

July is the hottest month in the calendar, but the sudden rain that hits the ground could cause landslides and disrupt tourist flow.

Kedarnath Dham in August Month

Max Temp.:- 18C and Min. Temp.:- 10C.

August is the best month to visit the region's natural beauty, but occasionally rain can hinder travel. The sky isn't always blue, and the cool breezes keep the air cool.

Kedarnath Dham in September Month

Max Temp.:- 15C and Min. Temp.:- 8C.

The natural beauty is fresh and stunning. The weather in September is moderately cold, and the beauty of nature is something worth observing. The rain is not a regular event, so it is a great time to experience adventure.

Kedarnath Dham in October Month

Max Temp.:- 12C and Min. Temp.:- 5C.

It is getting colder with windy conditions making pilgrims' lives difficult. This is the final month to visit Kedarnath Dham since, after this month, the roads will be shut because of excessive snowfall.

Kedarnath Dham in November Month

Max Temp.:- 4C and Min. Temp.:- 0C. November brings freezing weather, and snowfall is not uncommon, preventing visitors from enjoying it. Heavy snowfall could cause roadblocks.

Kedarnath Dham in December Month

The month of December is frigid. The roads are covered with snow, and the conditions are unfriendly.

Kedarnath Dham in January Month

Freezing Cold with snowfall. The maximum Temp. is 0C for January. Snowy and provides a cold Temp..

Kedarnath Dham in February Month

Freezing Cold with snowfall. February can be frigid, and snowfall can make the area inaccessible for tourism.

Kedarnath Dham in March Month

The month of March is frigid. The outdoors is gorgeous with scents and flowers. Winter attire is necessary to ensure a comfortable stay.

Kedarnath Dham in April Month

April is cold, with cold days and freezing nights. The Temp. starts to increase from the end of the month. But there is some snow to be discovered over the earth.





    winter months char dham yatra time to visit kedarnath tour package weather conditions heavy snow average temperature ideal time monsoon season monsoons in kedarnath kedarnath in winters char dham kedarnath in summers months of november heavy rainfall

    Ans. In winter, Kedarnath experiences snowfall, and temperatures drop below zero. September and October are the ideal seasons to go to Kedarnath in winter. Following that, the area starts getting large amounts of snow.

    Ans. Between May and October is the ideal period to travel to Kedarnath. In winter, the town is closed due to heavy snowfall. The temple was closed during the winter of 2021-22.

    Ans. Summer Season (April-June) The ideal time to go to Kedarnath is during summer, in the summer months when temperatures are moderate and stay between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius. There is a warm sun, and a mild cool breeze makes the day enjoyable.

    Ans. Opening and Closing Date of Shri Kedarnath Dham in 2022Opening Date-6 May 2022 Closing Date - Nov 2022

    Ans. At an altitude of 8,000 feet, the need for oxygen rises. To breathe, Kedarnath requires 87 percent oxygen.07-May-2022

    Ans. Pack Warm Clothes It doesnt matter if its winter or summer; Kedarnath has cold weather throughout the year. It is essential to wear warm clothes to shield yourself from freezing temperatures. Bring an extra warm sweater, scarf, jacket, and caps to ensure you are utterly covered.05-Nov-2021

